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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thing # 19

Check out this Voice Thread which tells about the Web 2.0 tools - very similar to this 23 things class we're taking. This would be a good VT to share with other teachers new to technology and wanting to learn more about tech for their own personal use as well as educationally.

Be sure and keep clicking the bottom right arrow to view the entire Voice Thread. There are about 36 pages. You can just scan through them unless you are super interested.
This is an idea of how I would use Voice Thread personally and maybe even for my students as well. It's a parent reading a poem "A Wish for My Children". I would love to read it and other books that were my children's favorites and send it to them through email or facebook or my space, or send them my blog with it embedded for them to watch and listen. I could also use it with pictures of my students and share my wish for them and let them respond as well as their parents.
Here is the VT.

Some other ideas I have are reading books and letting the dyslexic students just listen and enjoy. Then, have them retell in their own words what the story was about and their favorite part.
I would also like to have some spelling questions, such as "How would the (k) sound be spelled if the (k) was in initial position before an e, i, or y? Then have the students share their answer. Then I would respond after all have shared their answers.
Students might also be able to take an oral spelling test, give oral book reports, share what they did over summer break as well as other holidays during the year. I especially like the VT I saw for cards, such as for Mother's and Father's Day. Parents would adore something like that.
It would also be great if maybe I could read a book on Voice Thread and have the student follow along with his/her own copy of the book in order to practice fluency.
I'm thinking I can do pictures of key words and the letter sounds for the students to practice their letters/sounds on voice thread.
It seems that the possibilities are endless. This is probably easier than producing a You Tube ??? I'll have to try it out (making a Voice Thread - and eventually making a You Tube broadcast also.)

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