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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thing # 15

Social Bookmarking. "Social" seems to be the theme for this day and age. There are so many ways to SHARE. That's what we were supposed to learn in kindergarten, right? To share. Teachers have been sharing ideas, concepts, tools, etc for years, but how cool is it that we can now do it right over the internet any time of day or night.
I like the fact that I now have a way to organize my bookmarks with tags. The list was growing larger each day and when I needed to look up something it took a while to scan through the list.
I also found it very interesting to see how many others have tagged the same sites I have. That might be a way to social network with teachers in my specific field.
I also added a few new RSS feeds to some articles I found.
My computer has gone to computer heaven so I have been using my sons. Until I get a new one, I won't be able to do the stretchier task yet, but am certainly going to try it once I have my own list of bookmarks once again.
BTW - I sure do like those common craft guys videos. Simple, short, easy to follow. Thanks for sharing.
I'm planning on using the Delicious dyslexia sites I follow with parents and the students who are technologically savvy as well as with my teaching buddies. I will also use it with all my friends who take my aerobics classes so they can stay up to date on the latest health/workout articles. Here's one on Zumba. If you don't know what Zumba is or would like to check out this you tube, watch this.
Here is the link to my delicious site
Check out my first few bookmarks and watch them grow. :)

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